“Metron Design” is a successful office consisting of a team of experienced, qualified engineers of various specialties located in Corfu, Greece. It was founded in 1998, by civil engineer Matthaios Gisdakis, who due to his vast experience and collaborative spirit continues to lead the team, creating constantly unique projects.

metron design

As far as we are concerned, “Metron”, means attention to detail and profoundness in geometry form. Our approach to architectural synthesis is derived through deep research of the site and the requirements of each unique individual user, whether it involves contemporary or more traditional styles.

We seek to conduct a specialized study of each case, trying to provide original design solutions that respect the morphology of the natural landscape, in order to achieve maximum possible integration of a building into its surroundings. Our goal is the harmonious coexistence of man-made and natural environment while using the most modern construction techniques.

Our distinctive feature is the various specialties that comprise our team (civil engineers – architects – topographers – designers), who work closely together to provide integrated solutions that cover all the studies and construction details, from an initial idea to its final implementation.

// Metron // team

Matthaios Gisdakis _

Civil Engineer NTUA

Spiros Konstantis _

Civil Engineer T.E. Uni. of West Attica

Angeliki Barouxi _

Architect Engineer AUTH , MSc "Urban and Regional Planning" NTUA

// Metron // means attention to detail and profoundness in geometry form

If you would like to discuss your project, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to discuss details, listen to your ideas and help achieve your goals.

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